Chapter 7, Page 65

“SUNDAY, JULY 20, 2025

Hereʼs the birthday gift that came into my mind this morning as I woke up—just two lines:

The Destiny of Earthseed

Is to take root among the stars.

This is what I was reaching for a few days ago when the story of the new planets being discovered caught  my attention. Itʼs true, of course. Itʼs obvious.

Right now, itʼs also impossible. The world is in horrible shape. Even rich countries arenʼt doing as well as  history says rich countries used to do. President Donner isnʼt the only one breaking up and selling off science  and space projects. No one is expanding the kind of exploration that doesn't earn an immediate profit, or at least promise big future profits. Thereʼs no mood now for doing anything that could be considered unnecessary  or wasteful. And yet,

The Destiny of Earthseed

Is to take root among the stars.

I donʼt know how it will happen or when it will happen. Thereʼs so much to do before it can even begin. I guess thatʼs to be expected. Thereʼs always a lot to do before you get to go to heaven.”